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5 Tips on How to Save Money on International Travel 2021

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For over a year, most countries are still in the state of lockdown due global pandemic. When vaccines begun to rollout, some of the countries have already or almost lift strict lockdown level and started engaging to the new normal exercising health safety measures as while they are on the road of recovery and resuming back businesses including travel and leisure.

Travelers are for sure got their big bucks sleeping in their banks while waiting for their long overdue trips or vacations to unwind from this state of pandemic physically and emotionally. Whether domestic or international trips, once it surely safe to travel to the places they desired to visit, travelers especially first timers most of time will become careless and forgot their whole travel plans that result to higher expenses and not meeting their goals.

Here are some useful tips we have consolidated based from experienced travelers and forums that might help keep your expenses lower and make your travel goals fulfilling:

Disclaimer: We are about to mention some brand names below but this post is not affiliated or sponsored in any way by those brands.

1. Buying plane tickets the smart way

Once you have finalized the number of tickets you have to buy, calculate how much it will cost based on the initial price you find on you favorite airline company. Consider these helpful tricks so you can save before purchasing you tickets:

  • Compare prices and perks of different airlines
  • Yes, you read it right. Although you already have you personal favorite airlines, suggestion from the experts is to still check on different airline companies or websites selling flight tickets. But beware of the fake ones. It is still better to go directly on official website of your desired airlines. Look out for the price differences, inclusions, and perks that you might when buying tickets. Some airline company offers free hotel accomodation for a night when you are flying for a long trip. If you are traveling to Asia, make sure to chek JAL (Japan Airlines), Jeju Air, Korean Air, AirAsia, and Cebu Pacific as they have some great deals to choose from.

  • Consider off season travel
  • If you are working in a corporate business, your schedule might not be flexible and not a lot of options to take on travel vacation in the right season. Usually, tickets are most expensive in peak seasons like Christmas and summer season where airlines companies taking advantage of it. Although some of them still offers great discounts but you need to wait for the right time and keep your eyes on theie selling period which usually have limited perks and slots. Experts suggest to consider and plan your flight off season in January-February and September-November where tickets are relatively cheaper. That way, you can save you bucks and spend it on other expenses like food and transportation.

  • Make use of your travel rewards
  • Most of the companys offers travel rewards card where accumulated points can be redeemed or converted to either cash or discount when you purchase your new ticket with them. One thing you should take advantage is the rewards points you have earned using your precious credit cards. Yes, it has a lot of benifits that you can use to save money when buying your tickets. They have also some promotional offers that can even save you more when you use on certain airlines that affiliated with your cards.

  • Free gift certificates and promo/discount coupons
  • Grab those incentives from your brand partners or from your boss if your are working in corporate. You can enjoy 100% free or 50-70% discount from it. There are also legit websites that offer promotional discount coupons and great deals when you avail something in bundle or bulk orders.

    2. Room accommodation

    One of the great way this days is to check AirBnB for you accomodation. They have a great deals to choose from. You can also consider checking out is the free hotel room you can get just for paying a little extra amount while you buying you tickets. That saves you a lot!

    But the best way you can consider is that if you have relatives, family or close friends in your specific destination that you can stay for several days - you good to go. But if time doesn't permit, you can always ask them if them if they can find you a great and nice place to stay tha offers a lot way cheaper that booking online.

    3. Transportation

    Uber and Grab mobile apps are very useful nowadays. In Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, they have their own counterparts with it. But most commonly in South East Asia, Grab is the more common one. Just make sure to look for deals offer that day that will help you save even just 2-4 USD.

    While planning ahead your itenary for your entire travel, you must not exclude on this the public transportation. In South Kore, Japan, and Thailand for example, they have railway system from the airport going to the main city. The price is relatively cheaper than taking a cab when you are not in a hurry and want to enjoy the vibe and feeling anew to the city. City buses is also a great way if you want more cheaper but it will take several minutes longer than taking the train.

    When going around the city or premises of your destination make sure to research also some blogs or websites to guide you the local or regular fare for your transportation. There are still some local people who would take advantage of you, as foreigner/s to that place. Why not trying to negotiate even just a little bit.

    Don't forget to use Google search and Google Maps. When planning ahead for your DIY tours, these are your best buddies during your travel. Check the locations and routes of your next destination before deciding to book a cab or taxi. You might even know that that your next stop can be reachable just by walking few minutes while enjoying the city escape or the simple beauty of that rural place.

    4. Food, drinks, and personal effects

    When it comes to food, you might want to revisit TIP# 1 and TIP# 2. Airlines always offer you separate options or add-ons for food or other extra snacks while on plane. Food prices at the airport is really overpriced. Consider grabbing non-perishable food items you can buy at your local store rather than buying at the airport.

    Most accomodations offer generous free breakfast and/or dinner. You need to check also when you are booking a room. In that way, you'll just have to reserve a little of your expenses to you lunch while on travel.

    Don't forget to bring your personal medicines. You can also bring over-the-couter or nonprescribed medicines that can be used by you and your travel buddies or other persons in while your on the way so you don't haw to worry about buying meds in the local store of your destination which may leads you to spend extra. Mind the food you are about to eat outside escpecially when you have a weak stomach. You can always ask your guide if you are in a tour or information personnel for the nearest public or private (if you prefer one) restrooms.

    5. Gifts and Souvenirs

    They are very cute and could be sentimental at the same time. But don't be tempted and go overspending for buying those lovely items. If you have time to research on the internet for the usual local price of them, go and spend a little of your time so you don't get ripped off by those sellers especially when you are in the local market. You can always try to negotiate to lower the price but don't over use it since that they also business to take care of.

    You can aslo try visting local malls or shops first that has priced items/label and try comparing price from the local markets.


    As much as possible, try to negotiate when your buying some goods in the local market. The best way to do it is to learn their laguage or common phrases for bargaining items and prices. They might be happy to hear from you their native tounge and who know they might give you a decent discount or deals!

    Always plan ahead as much as you can. Do research on things like fees on transportation and others you need to spend during your trips. In that way you'll have estimated cost in your mind or list and set budget on it to prevent overspending.

    Lastly, enjoy you travel and forget about stress from work or even from yout trip itself. If you plan well with consideration of adjustment, it will also lessen the burden on your part and prevent you from overthinking whil on trip. Relax as much as you can as this trip is a precious gift for yourself or family.


    Physical and mental health is very important for our well-being. Traveling is one of the best way to ease out stress from life or work specially this pandemic. The tips above are just guidance to make your travel goals even better and fulfilling than your previous trips.

    In the end, it's not how you spend your money during your travel but how much experiences and memories it gives you that will cherish forever. Even though you are more capable and don't mind to consider these tips, remember not to let yourself go in debt since this will also create future problem in your mental and financial state.

    Hope you enjoy this one. Don't forget to share this post on your friends and social media pages and write thought on the comment section below!


    1. anon36

      Oh my God! This is really helpful.

      Thanks for the wonderful tips reminding me not to over spending!

    2. anon36

      These tips are very handy and useful. Thanks for sharing!!


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