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We humans are the results of our habits. In other words our habits can make us or break us. Follow these habits and you will look better than today compared to your present self.

How To Become More Attractive And Have Good Physique In Just 30 DaysPhoto credit: Men's Health Korea

Here are some good habits that can transform you into your more attractive version in just 30 days:

Drink 3L of Water Daily

Drink 3L of Water Daily

75% of human body is made up of water. Drinking right amount of water will helps you to remove toxins from your body. It also helps you achieve clear skin.

Exercise atleast 3 days a week

Exercise atleast 3 days a week

If you are a beginner then start workinf out 3 times a week. Exercise will keep your body in shape. With good physique, you will automatically look more attractive. Exercise daily for at least an hour, you should have some sort of moderate physical activity in your everyday life.

If you are goal is to shed few pounds in fastest way, do a higher-level intensity workout (HIIT).

Eat healthy food and Avoid Junk Food

Eat healthy food & Avoid Junk Food

To having good physique, workout only counts for 40% and rest 60% is based on your diet. So, avoid sugary drinks & fast food, and eat more vegies & fruits.

Read 10 Pages Daily

Read 10 Pages Daily

Changing ones mindset can also change life. REading books is a great way to change your mindset by gaining knowledge and stimulate creativity.

Sleep 7-8 hours, Get good Sleep

Sleep 7-8 hours, Get good Sleep

Sleep for 7-8 hours is important for your body. Your body repair itself & recharge during sleep. Exercising train muscles under stress and tears the tissues and sleep helps you to repair them making it stronger than before. There are a lot of studies saying that sleep is responsible for muscle growth!

PRO TIP: Stop using smartphone at night for quality sleep.

Meditate for 5 minutes

Meditate for 5 minutes

Your mental wellness is equally important as your physical wellness. Meditation will help clear your mind and increase your focus.

Masturbate Less

Masturbate Less

Believe it or not, but masturbation took a mental toll on youy and makes you feel tired and guilty. As a result, this mental stress will negatively affect your physical goals.

Proper Diet

Proper Diet

Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each Meal. Exercising only counts for 40% of results while proper diet counts for 60%. Avoid unhealthy & junk food.

Be Accountable Of Your Calories

Be Accountable Of Your Calories

Keeping track of how many calories your intake in a day will be helpful in planning out your physical activities.

Stay Motivated

Stay Motivated

As important key to being shape is to set goals and keep a positive mindset. If you stay positive, you will be able to push yourself to get that fir body you've always wanted.


You can change your life by changing your habits. By following tips mentioned above will probably help you get your goals or at least have some improvement and obvious changes in your body 30 days after.

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